Drone Mapping
Drone mapping is a great tool for permaculture design. We use drone mapping on larger sites and areas without good satellite imagery as part of the permaculture design survey and analysis work.
This is a quick and cost effective way to make highly detailed contemporaneous maps of your site. This is also available as a stand-alone service which can be especially useful to farmers and other permaculture designers.
Contour Maps
From the drone mapping outputs we can produce low-interval elevation contours of your site overlaid onto a detailed base map.
This is an invaluable tool for permaculture design regarding water catchment and elevation planning. On larger sites we can use the contours for keyline design as part of regenerative agriculture.
Best results are on terrain with little vegetation or obstruction such as grazed fields or areas under cultivation.
Because of this we find the minimum useful interval to be 1 meter or possibly down to 0.5m on sites with extremely tight vegetation.
We generally label the contours at 5m intervals for tidiness and ease of use.
Magnetic Whiteboard Maps
We now offer your custom high-detail drone base map with or without elevation contours printed to A2, A1 or A0 magnetic whiteboard.
This is the ultimate solution for ongoing farm design, planning and work delegation. Hang it on the wall so you can put up design ideas when you are inspired, include a rota, delegate daily tasks and organise your project.
This option is ideal for farmers who want a real overview and planning tool for their farm. It is also perfect for designers who want the best base map for overlaying designs.
Full permaculture design customers keep the map as a planning tool after we use it for the design process.