Can Ireland feed itself? Options for greater food security in a climate changed world.
Study review by Paul Lynch A new study by Andi Wilson of the Sustainability Institute in Mayo on food security and climate change has concluded that Ireland may currently be only producing a quarter the human food consumed domestically. Click here for study. Agriculture In this broad-ranging study and preliminary action plan Andi Wilson examines the consequences of continued global warming & climate change for Irish food security. The study finds that a restructuring and reorientation of Irish agriculture away from export driven beef and dairy towards domestic self-sufficiency in a plant based diet could meet over 100% of our protein and calorific requirements and massively decrease green-house gas emissions. In Ireland agriculture currently produces one third of the gasses emitted nationally that cause global warming, which is more than both the residential and transport sectors combined. Indeed the study finds that such a shift would turn agriculture into a Continue Permaculture Story